Work smarter, not harder. Construction technologies are reshaping the way we work. By transitioning from field construction to offsite manufacturing and field assembly, we’re leveraging our resources to provide more effective and efficient solutions that improve costs, maximize material and labor resources. Prefabrication delivers high-quality projects with lower costs and accelerated schedules.
Benefits of Prefab Construction
Accelerated Schedules. With a synergetic approach to prefabrication, project schedules have seen reductions of 30% - 50%. Prefabrication offers a head start compared to the traditional project timeline and allows us to work faster with fewer mistakes in our controlled manufacturing environment - which also eliminates the threat of weather delays.
Savings. Prefabrication provides cost certainty through material control and a reduction in labor. Our team can better control supply chain risks by avoiding price fluctuations between the proposal and delivery phases.
Quality. Fabricating components in a controlled environment improves quality control. Machines create precision products that fit as expected in the field.
Plumbing Prefabrication
Reliance Mechanical Contractors has invested heavily in our plumbing prefabrication capabilities enabling us to install a higher quality system in less time for your project. Our plumbing fabrication shop specializes in everything from multi-trade racks (MTR’s) and prefabricated risers to entire restroom wall assemblies.
We work with our customers to develop a plan for fully insulated heating, ventilation and cooling solutions as determined by your project. Reliance will identify areas in which we can assemble, transport, and install sheet metal duct work or entire equipment skids during early phases of construction making the construction process quicker and more cost efficient.
Piping Prefabrication
Welding overhead and in tight places is difficult. Our prefabrication strategy brings the labor from the field into our facility allowing Reliance to control the process. Bringing the work on-site at "bench height" helps our employees to provide the quality and craftsmanship our customers expect.